The Magic Wand

The Magic Wand can copy things. Just drag it so its tip is over the widget you want to copy and release. Try to copy the box below. Try to copy just the '2'.

{ "semantic": { "type": "wand" }, "view": { "frontside_width": 191, "frontside_height": 31, "frontside_left": 6, "frontside_top": 6 }, "version": 1 }

This will be replaced by a work area containing one thing: a box.
{ "semantic": { "type": "top_level", "backside_widgets": [ { "widget": { "semantic": { "type": "box", "size": 2, "contents": [ { "semantic": { "type": "number", "operator": "+", "numerator": "1", "denominator": "1", "format": "improper_fraction" }, "view": { "saved_width": 76, "saved_height": 55 }, "version": 1 }, { "semantic": { "type": "number", "operator": "+", "numerator": "2", "denominator": "1", "format": "improper_fraction" }, "view": { "saved_width": 76, "saved_height": 55 }, "version": 1 } ], "horizontal": true }, "view": { "frontside_width": 164, "frontside_height": 68, "frontside_left": 65, "frontside_top": 40, "backside_geometry": { "x_scale": 1, "y_scale": 1, "original_width": 171, "original_height": 39 } }, "version": 1 } } ] }, "view": { "background_color": "rgba(245, 240, 240, 0.941176)", "backside_width": 409, "backside_height": 238, "backside_left": 8, "backside_top": 181.1875, "backside_geometry": { "x_scale": 1, "y_scale": 1, "original_width": 1200, "original_height": 475 }, "drag_x_offset": 320, "drag_y_offset": 196.8125, "backside": true }, "version": 1 }

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