BehaviourComposer: ignore everything before this. Begin micro-behaviour Begin description: This vaccinates those individuals with the highest number of acquaintances. End description Vaccinate most highly connected individuals Begin NetLogo code: substitute-text-area-for time-of-vaccination 1substitute-text-area-for number-vaccinated the-fraction-vaccinated * the-initial-susceptible-populationdo-at-time time-of-vaccination [let population-sorted sort-by [[count link-neighbors] of ?1 > [count link-neighbors] of ?2] all-susceptibles repeat round number-vaccinated [let super-node first population-sorted set population-sorted but-first population-sorted add-behaviours-to super-node list-of-micro-behaviours "Intervention behaviours" []]] End NetLogo code VariantsEdit the text areas to change the time the vaccinations are performed and the number of individuals vaccinated. Related behavioursSchedule non-targeted vaccination does not target the highly connected individuals. How this worksThis sorts the entire population by the number of acquaintances and adds the Intervention behaviours to the first number-vaccinated. HistoryThis was implemented by Ken Kahn on 3 February 2011. BehaviourComposer: ignore everything after this. |