BehaviourComposer: ignore everything before this. Begin micro-behaviour: Begin description: Finds the center of mass of all the bodies active End description Find C.O.M Begin NetLogo code: let bodies objects with [my-mass > 0]let total-mass sum [ my-mass ] of bodiesset the-center-of-mass-xcor sum [my-mass * xcor] of bodies / total-massset the-center-of-mass-ycor sum [my-mass * ycor] of bodies / total-massif the-world-is-3-d?[ set the-center-of-mass-zcor sum [my-mass * zcor] of bodies / total-mass ] End NetLogo code This mirco-behaviour finds the centre of mass of the active bodies by timesing the mass of the each body by their position ( xcor and ycor ) and the dividing by the total mass of all the bodies to be left with only an xcor and ycor value.Authored by Maria Marinari and Ken Kahn.  BehaviourComposer: ignore everything after this. |