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Plot planet distances

BehaviourComposer: ignore everything before this.

Begin micro-behaviour:

Begin description:

This plots all the planets on one graph using the planet colour.

End description

Plot distances

Begin NetLogo code:

set-current-plot "Planet Distances"create-temporary-plot-pen (word my-name " pen")set-plot-pen-color colorlet distance-com 0if-else the-world-is-3-d?      [ set distance-com distancexyz the-center-of-mass-xcor the-center-of-mass-ycor the-center-of-mass-zcor ]      [ set distance-com distancexy the-center-of-mass-xcor the-center-of-mass-ycor ] let d precision (distance-scale * distance-com ) 3if d != 0 [ add-to-plot time d ]

End NetLogo code

Authored by Ken Kahn. Based on a micro-behaviour by Maria Marinari and Ken Kahn

BehaviourComposer: ignore everything after this.