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Update position

BehaviourComposer: ignore everything before this.

Begin micro-behaviour:

Begin description:

Update the position of body due to the velocity (only applies if delta t=1 when delta t is not = 1 then necessary to multiply the changes by delta t). this is done at time 1.5 so that the behaviour attractions comes into affect before hand.

End description

Update position

Begin NetLogo code:

if-else the-world-is-3-d?[ setxyz xcor + [ xcor - my-origin-x ] of my-velocity          ycor + [ ycor - my-origin-y ] of my-velocity         zcor + [ zcor - my-origin-z ] of my-velocity ][ setxy xcor + [ xcor - my-origin-x ] of my-velocity         ycor + [ ycor - my-origin-y ] of my-velocity ]

End NetLogo code

Authored by Maria Marinari and Ken Kahn.

BehaviourComposer: ignore everything after this.