BehaviourComposer: ignore everything before this. Begin micro-behaviour: Begin description: End description move to task Begin NetLogo code: substitute-text-area-for a-task "dig" substitute-text-area-for a-sub-task "walk across village"substitute-text-area-for cond-t any? ( all-of-kind "start of path" ) in-radius my-visionsubstitute-text-area-for a-target one-of ( all-of-kind "start of path" ) in-radius my-visionsubstitute-text-area-for b-target min-one-of all-of-kind "start of path" [ distance myself ]substitute-text-area-for visualize-action-code face current-target rt ( 15 - random 30 ) fd my-walk substitute-text-area-for n-task "dig"substitute-text-area-for n-sub-task "walk along path"let current-task a-tasklet current-sub-task a-sub-tasklet current-target 0ifelse cond-t [ set current-target a-target ][ set current-target b-target ]let next-task n-tasklet next-sub-task n-sub-task;; Initialize an intention (to do an activity) in a farmerif first my-task = current-task and my-sub-task = current-sub-task [ if my-target = 0 [ set my-target current-target ] ];; Act on current intention (to do an activity)if length my-task != 0 and first my-task = current-task and my-sub-task = current-sub-task [ visualize-action-code;; when reach target initialize for next sub-task if distance my-target <= my-vision [ move-to my-target set my-task replace-item 0 my-task next-task set my-sub-task next-sub-task set my-target 0 ] ] End NetLogo code BehaviourComposer: ignore everything after this. |