Backsides of widgets

You can open up the backside of a widget by clicking on it. If the widget is running you may need to stop it first. If the widget is not in a workspace (is on a web page directly) then clicking on it runs it so you need to hold donw the Alt key (or Command key on Macs) when clicking. Backsides are different for each kind of widget. They all have a > button to open up advanced settings (except nests which don't have any advanced settings). Widget specific settings are documented along with widget's documentation.

This will be replaced by a work area containing 2 things: a number, and a backside of a number. top level widget
{ "semantic": { "type": "top_level", "backside_widgets": [ { "widget": { "shared_widget_index": 0 } }, { "widget": { "shared_widget_index": 0 }, "is_backside": true } ] }, "view": { "background_color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "backside_width": 808, "backside_height": 313, "backside_left": 8, "backside_top": 183.1875, "drag_x_offset": 175, "drag_y_offset": 163.8125 }, "version": 1, "shared_widgets": [ { "semantic": { "type": "number", "operator": "+", "numerator": "1", "denominator": "1", "format": "mixed_number" }, "view": { "frontside_width": 76, "frontside_height": 55, "frontside_left": 59, "frontside_top": 24, "backside_left": 217.34375, "backside_top": 41.34375, "saved_width": 76, "saved_height": 55 }, "version": 1 } ] }

Clicking on the advanced options button opens up many options.

This will be replaced by a work area containing 2 things: a box, and a backside of a number. top level widget
{ "semantic": { "type": "top_level", "backside_widgets": [ { "widget": { "semantic": { "type": "box", "size": 2, "contents": [ { "widget": { "shared_widget_index": 0 } }, null ], "horizontal": true, "name": ";;" }, "view": { "frontside_width": 164, "frontside_height": 68, "frontside_left": 8, "frontside_top": 117, "backside_geometry": { "x_scale": 1, "y_scale": 1, "original_width": 171, "original_height": 39 }, "saved_width": 164, "saved_height": 68 }, "version": 1 } }, { "widget": { "shared_widget_index": 0 }, "is_backside": true } ] }, "view": { "background_color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "backside_width": 887, "backside_height": 451, "backside_left": 8, "backside_top": 183.1875, "advanced_settings_open": true, "drag_x_offset": 143, "drag_y_offset": 290.8125 }, "version": 1, "shared_widgets": [ { "semantic": { "type": "number", "operator": "+", "numerator": "1", "denominator": "1", "format": "mixed_number" }, "view": { "backside_width": 587, "backside_height": 380, "backside_left": 218.640625, "backside_top": 35.375, "advanced_settings_open": true, "backside_geometry": { "x_scale": 1.067948717948718, "y_scale": 1.899999999999996, "original_width": 550, "original_height": 200 }, "saved_width": 76, "saved_height": 55 }, "version": 1 } ] }

Note that the > button has become < and clicking it will hide the advanced options.

This will be replaced by a work area containing 2 things: a box, and a backside of a box. top level widget
{ "semantic": { "type": "top_level", "backside_widgets": [ { "widget": { "shared_widget_index": 0 } }, { "widget": { "shared_widget_index": 0 }, "is_backside": true } ] }, "view": { "background_color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "backside_width": 887, "backside_height": 370, "backside_left": 8, "backside_top": 183.1875, "advanced_settings_open": true, "drag_x_offset": 149, "drag_y_offset": 223.8125 }, "version": 1, "shared_widgets": [ { "semantic": { "type": "box", "size": 2, "contents": [ null, null ], "horizontal": true, "name": ";;" }, "view": { "frontside_width": 164, "frontside_height": 68, "frontside_left": 34, "frontside_top": 12, "backside_left": 277.375, "backside_top": 36.03125, "advanced_settings_open": true, "saved_width": 164, "saved_height": 68 }, "version": 1 } ] }

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