Working with Children on Activity 1

3 girls and 19 boys in Bulgaria 9-13 years old

5 girls and 4 boys in England 10-13 years old


Imagine that you are running the Doubler robot and that after the Add 1 robot gives a bird a number it is copied and begins dancing with the output number of the Doubler robot. So 1 dances with 2, 2 with 4, 3 with 6, and so on.

If this continued forever would every even number be dancing with a natural number?

Susan (13) wrote:

Yes because each time a nat num is made so is an even number so there are the same number of each.

However, Tom (13) wrote:

Yes No b Yes No, some even number are natural.


title | why | what | why toontalk | activities | rationale 1 | activity 1 | findings 1 | rationale 4/5 | activity 4 | activity 5 | findings 4/5 | rationale 8 | activity 8 | findings 8 | conclusions